Nurturing to Greatness the Potential in Every Child
Our aim is to provide a happy and secure environment where all children can develop to their full potential. We believe that early childhood is the foundation for a child’s journey through life. Each stage of development and learning should be valued and respected in its own right. Our aim is not limited to imparting quality education but also nurturing the pupils to be imbued with a deep sense of noble virtues and ever open to further growth.
We are a fully fledged Montessori school and the children’s skills are developed through exploring and working with the Montessori materials and other selected equipment. At the Primary level we offer a blend of British and the Nigerian Curriculum.
The Montessori Method
Montessori education is a scientific method of teaching, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in 1907, to educate children through direct control of their environment. It uses materials to stimulate a child’s senses, which makes the learning experience more memorable.
The Montessori education method is a progression of learning beginning with activities in practical life and the sensorial, activities that internalize independence, coordination, concentration and order (ICCO), which in turn help a child to transition to more abstract learning in Culture, Math and Language… more